How to Remove Ballpoint Pen Ink From Wood

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Remove a ball point ink stain from wood to restore it to its original condition.

A ballpoint pen contains viscous ink that comes in a variety of colors. The ink can easily leak out of the pen when it cracks or breaks. Ballpoint pens often stain most surfaces that they encounter. The ink stain can transfer to wooden surfaces and it will soak into unprotected wood. If you treat the ink stain when it happens, you may be able to remove it successfully before the stain becomes permanent.


Step 1

Combine 1 tbsp. of baking soda with 1 tbsp. of water in a bowl to create a thick paste. Rub the paste over the ink stain. Scrub on the stain with an old toothbrush.

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Step 2

Allow the baking soda paste to dry. Wipe the baking soda off the wood with a damp washcloth.


Step 3

Blot rubbing alcohol over the ink stain with a washcloth if you still notice the stain.

Step 4

Allow the alcohol to sit on the stain for five minutes to allow it to penetrate.

Step 5

Blot the ink stain with paper towels. Continue to apply the stain removing techniques until you successfully remove the ink stain.

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