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How to Kill Roaches in a TV

Heather Dewar

Many cockroach species love the warm and snug environment of electronics, including television sets.

Roaches cannot survive in very low temperatures.


If the weather is consistently below 0 F, you can place the TV outside instead of in a freezer.

If you have a roach infestation, you can eliminate the roaches from most of the home with chemical foggers, but the television set may still harbor these unwanted squatters; thus, removing roaches from a TV requires a different method of eradication. On the other hand, if you don't have a roach infestation but have purchased a used TV that is overrun with these pathogen-spreading pests, you must act quickly to kill the roaches to prevent a full-on infestation of your home.

  1. Put the TV in a plastic bag large enough to contain it.

  2. Seal the bag off with a knot or using a twist-tie.

  3. Place the bag in the freezer.

  4. Wait 24 hours and remove the bag from the freezer.

  5. Remove the television and discard the bag.

  6. If roaches are still present, repeat these steps or consider consulting an exterminator.