Speech writing for any political figure requires not only good writing skills, but also a solid understanding of current political issues along with a high level of insight as to the objectives and goals that the politician wishes to communicate to his constituents. When writing a speech for a senator, thorough knowledge of the national and state concerns is often the starting point for a great speech. Beginning with an end in mind as it relates to structure, information to be shared and the desired outcome is also essential.

Things You Will Need
  • Topic of the speech

  • Background research on the audience

  • Background research on the political issues

Writing A Senator's Speech

Before you begin writing, start by interviewing the senator or a senator's staff member as to the purpose of the speech and the key points that must be included. You should also ask as to how many minutes will the senator be expected to speak. Gather and review all information available about the target audience and the event where the speech will be given. The type of event will help to determine the tone of the speech. If available, review previous speeches given by the senator before you begin writing.

Once you have a solid understanding of the topic, the audience and the senator's views, begin writing the speech. Start with a welcome statement and acknowledgments of the specific people who organized the event. Acknowledgments should include the names of the people who invited the senator to give a speech and other special guests whom the event coordinators have invited.

Add humor to the speech with a lighthearted anecdote to evoke laughter. If the occasion is requires a more serious tone, you can also begin with a quote or statistical information that ties into the overall topic of the speech.

State the purpose of the speech which can also be a framework for a specific problem that the speech will be addressing. Use facts and real-life examples to paint a supporting picture of the problem or issue.

Once the problem has been identified, state clearly the senator's proposed solution. This section is the climax of the speech. Strongly stating key messages in a concise manner is important. Again, use stories or anecdotes to paint a specific picture of the the solution.

The final section of the speech before closing should be a call to action that focuses on the solution. This is something that the senator wants the audience to support. A powerful call to action should be a specific appeal such as voting to re-elect the senator or voting a certain way on a specific policy. The call to action should express resolve, optimism and hope.

Conclude the speech summarizing the main points which include, the problem, solution and the call to action. Thank the audience members for their time and their willingness to support.


A good speech for a senator may require multiple drafts with edits from the senator or his staff member.

When writing a speech, using formal English is not required. A speech will be spoken and it is often a lot less formal than the written word.

Practice saying the speech out loud to determine the exact length.


Do not write a speech without having an understanding of the audience, event and the senator's viewpoints on the issues being addressed. Doing so can have an unfavorable result from the audience and paint the senator as lacking knowledge.