A college education helps people secure a better job and earn better wages. The cost of college varies by state and the type of institution. However, the cost of college continues to increase. This makes it difficult for people who have little or no savings to pay for college. Scholarships can help reduce the cost of tuition and help students avoid taking out loans. Most scholarships require a financial aid letter. This gives the scholarship committee some insight into the student's financial situation.

Explain any special circumstances that are contributing to your financial hardship. Some examples include unemployment, disability and the recent death of a parent. Provide supporting documentation.

Describe your academic merit. Explain the type of grades you earn, awards and honors you have received, and any extracurricular activities in which you participate. Include an official transcript as evidence of your grades.

State the program of study that you desire to pursue. Explain why you have chosen that career path and what your future goals are.

Format the letter. Your address should appear on the top right side of the letter. Skip a line and put the date that you write the letter. The date should appear on the left side of the letter. Skip a line and put the name and address of the scholarship award committee. Skip a line. Begin typing the letter. The main body of the financial aid letter for the scholarship should be single-spaced. Skip a line when you begin a new paragraph.


Check your letter for misspellings and punctuation errors. Spell-check does not always find all of the spelling and grammatical errors.


Be truthful about your financial situation. Any misleading statements or false information can affect your ability to receive future financial assistance.

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