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Propane Lantern Troubleshooting

Bonnie Conrad

Whether you are camping in the great outdoors or weathering a blackout in your own home, a propane lantern can be a big help. Propane lanterns provide much needed light and having a couple of these lanterns on hand is a great way to prepare for emergencies like power outages and natural disasters. But since these lanterns are so important to your family's safety and well being it is important to know how to troubleshoot them when something goes wrong.

Check for Sediment Buildup

If your propane lantern is not lighting properly, or if it is not giving enough light, it is important to check the lantern for a buildup of dirt, debris and sediment. It is a good idea to maintain your propane lantern by occasionally rinsing it with fuel. This will keep sediment from building up and help to keep the propane lantern running smoothly. Taking the time to rinse out your portable lanterns after every camping trip or other use is the best way to make sure they will be available when they are needed around the home.

Understanding the Effect of Temperature

Propane lanterns are designed to start and keep working as long as the temperature is above 0 degrees Fahrenheit, making them an excellent choice for cold weather camping and other outdoor applications. When the temperature drops below that level, the light output of the propane lantern will begin to deteriorate and when the outdoor temperature drops below -20 degrees Fahrenheit, the lantern may cease to operate.

Broken Mantles

It is important to keep in mind that the mantle on a propane lantern will become very fragile after the lantern has been burned. If your lantern is having problems it is important to check the condition of the mantle and examine it for damage. It is also a good idea to keep a supply of spare mantles on hand for each one of your lanterns--this is the best way to make sure you will have light when you need it most.

Check the Fuel Level

If your propane lantern is not working properly it is also important to check the fuel level. If the fuel level is low your lantern may not start, so be sure to top off the fuel level and try to start your lantern again.