How to Build a PVC Carport

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PVC pipe is used for a wide variety of things.

Building a carport is really not as expensive as it seems. The cost of building a carport out of PVC pipe is less than half the cost of a traditional wooden or metal carport. A carport fit to the size of your vehicle or driveway can be built in a few hours. PVC pipe is not a heavy material, which means extra steps will be needed to prevent the carport from blowing away in a heavy storm.


Step 1

Fill the five-gallon buckets with concrete. Insert one PVC pipe into the concrete. Use a leveling tool to position the pipe so it stands level. Repeat this for all four corners. A carport larger than 8 feet long or 10 feet wide will need to have additional buckets at every 6 to 8 feet.

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Step 2

Attach a T-connector to the top of each PVC pipe. Position the connector so it will allow another pipe to continue vertical. Insert a 2-inch pipe in each T-connector. Connect a 45-degree angle connector to each 2-inch pipe.


Step 3

Insert a PVC pipe horizontally into the remaining opening in the T-connector. Attach another T-connector to the opposite end of the horizontal pipe. Two vertical pipes should be connected to create a lower case "n" shape. Repeat with the other two vertical pipes. Connect two 8-foot sections together using a cross connector at each vertical pipe. Insert the 2-inch pipe and the angle connector into the cross after the horizontal pipes have been installed.


Step 4

Insert two 8-foot sections of PVC pipe into one 45-degree angle connector. Insert the two ends into the angles on the vertical pipes. Repeat for the other pairs. This will create a house shape out of PVC pipes.

Step 5

Place a tarp over the structure. Clamp the tarp in place using grip clamps. This will prevent the tarp from moving. Space the clamps no more than 3 inches apart. Pull the tarp tight. Do not clamp over pipes that are in between other pipes.

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