How to Upload an MP4 to iPod

By Kristy Barkan

From the 5th generation on, the iPod classic can play MP4s.
i Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

MP4 is short for MPEG-4, a file format used to store various types of media files. Most commonly, MP4 files contain video with one or more audio tracks. As of the date of publication, all of the latest generations of iPod classic, touch and nano can play MP4 files. Use iTunes to upload an MP4 to an iPod, in much the same way as you transfer standard audio files.

Step 1

Open iTunes on the computer to which your iPod is synced. The application can be opened by double-clicking the desktop shortcut or by navigating to the application file using OS X Finder or Windows Explorer and double-clicking the main program file.

Step 2

Click "File" on the iTunes main menu.

Step 3

Choose "Add File to Library."

Step 4

Navigate to the location of the MP4, highlight the file and click "Open."

Step 5

Click "Movies" on the iTunes Library menu. If the MP4 that you are uploading is an audio file, select "Music" instead.

Step 6

Click the MP4 file to highlight it.

Step 7

Click "Advanced" on the main menu.

Step 8

Choose "Create iPod or iPhone Version." An optimized copy of the MP4 will be created with the same file name.

Step 9

Connect your iPod to the computer using the USB cable that came with the device. ITunes should sync with your iPod automatically and upload the optimized MP4.

Step 10

Click the icon for your iPod in the iTunes Devices menu if the MP4 does not upload automatically.

Step 11

Select the Music tab and click the check boxes next to "Sync Music" and "Include Music Videos" so that a check mark appears beside each option. Under the TV Shows tab, Video Podcasts tab and Movies tab, click the check boxes next to "Sync" and "Automatically Include All."

Step 12

Click "Apply." ITunes will sync with your iPod and upload all new videos and music.
