How to Find an Email Address in an Active Directory

By C.D. Crowder

Active Directory Tabs
i Microsoft

Active Directory is used on a network to organize and manage computers, devices and users. Network logon information is stored in Active Directory, along with email addresses. Each work station and server computer is listed as well. Active Directory serves as the main database for the network. In order to log on and use a network with Active Directory, you must set up a user account, including a network email address, in order to use the network email. Finding an email address in Active Directory takes only minutes.

Log on to the computer with Active Directory installed. You will need an administrator level logon in order to access Active Directory.

Double click the "Active Directory Users and Computers" icon. If there's not an icon, click on "Start," then choose "All Programs." Click on "Active Directory," then choose "Users and Computers." This section of Active Directory manages all user and computer data.

Select the "Users" folder to open a list of users.

Right click the name of a user and click "Properties" to view his information.

Click either the "Email Addresses" or "Profile" tab to view the email address. It will be listed under both tabs.
