How to Transfer a Video From a Mac to an iPhone (4 Steps)

By Paul Kemp

Download iTunes music to your iPhone and copy it to your Mac.
i Joe Raedle/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Apple's iPhone allows users to add and watch videos, including movies and television shows from their own collections, on the phone's display. Before transferring your videos from your Mac to your iPhone, you must add the video files to your iTunes library. Once you have added your videos to iTunes, you can sync them to your iPhone and watch them anywhere.

Step 1

Open iTunes.

Step 2

Open "Finder" in the dock and locate the video file you want to transfer from your Mac to your iPhone.

Step 3

Click and drag the video file from the Finder window to the "Library" column of iTunes and wait for the progress bar atop the iTunes window to complete.

Step 4

Connect the iPhone to your Mac using the USB cord and wait for it to appear in the "Devices" column of iTunes. Click and drag your video from the "Movies" portion of your library to the icon for your iPhone under "Devices." The movie will be added to your iPhone.
