Saying goodbye isn't easy; ending a PowerPoint presentation requires the right conclusion too. Leaving your audience with a compelling conclusion of the presentation is crucial. This culmination of a PowerPoint presentation to rally your listeners' attention and help them focus on your final statements and overall presentation. Crafting a solid conclusion to summarize your main points and ideas provides a way for your audience to research the topic further or contact you to get more information.

Summary of Major Points

Provide a brief, condensed summary of your major ideas, viewpoints or persuasive arguments. The goal is to use your conclusion to stress the most relevant facts and opinions that you presented. This is the information you want your listeners to remember. Use only one "conclusion" slide, and make sure it's the last one of your entire presentation. To avoid weakening your conclusion, do not put other slides after that final slide. To avoid lengthy, cumbersome sentences, list the main ideas using bullet points.

Final Conclusions and Interpretations

Explain in a short concluding statement how you came to your final conclusions or assessments and why your viewpoints matter. For example, if your PowerPoint presentation discusses dangers associated with distracted driving, you might write "Distracted driving, such as texting, talking on a cell phone, eating, drinking and attending to young children, contributes to car accidents. I have argued that driver training courses must stress the importance of avoiding these temptations and laws should reflect non-distracted driving requirements."

Discussion Question or Analogy

Include a final question for discussion on your "conclusion" slide if you plan to end your presentation with audience involvement, such as a question-and-answer session. Otherwise, you might conclude with a lighthearted joke. Choose a joke, memorable analogy or experience that's appropriate for your audience and fits the tone and mood of your presentation. For example, if your PowerPoint presentation is about investing in stocks and other securities for the long haul, you might use Aesop's fable about the tortoise and the hare to send your audience one final message.

Contact Information

List your contact information, such as your business email address, so your audience can contact you with questions or comments about your PowerPoint presentation. If your presentation is for a high-school or college class, you might provide your personal email address and cell phone number, if you feel comfortable doing so. If you have remaining room on your concluding slide, provide a list of websites or resources your viewers might consult in reference to your topic.

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