How to Track Search History by Email Address

By Colin Cronin

You can track your search history from another computer with a Google account.
i search and magnifier buttons. (with clipping path) image by Andrey Zyk from

A search history is a record of all the websites you visit and searches that you make. There are a couple of ways to check your history. The most common method is to open your browser's history. All browsers have an option that allows users to view a record of their searches and visited Web pages. However, Google allows you to track your Web history from another computer as long as you have a Google (Gmail) account.

Create an account with Google if you do not have one by going to Gmail and clicking "sign up." The email username and address that you create will be the same ones that you use to sign into your Google account.

Log in to your Google account (at with your username and password.

Click on "Web History" to see a record of all your Google searches. If you wish to view this same history on a different computer, follow the same steps of logging on to your Google account and clicking "Web History" on that computer.
