Sales tax is placed on the sale of most goods and services. It is usually passed on to the customer and paid directly to the state in which the business operates. The Department of Revenue controls the collection of sales tax in Florida. It also controls the verification of those organizations which are exempt from paying sales tax. Nonprofit organizations that don't make a profit like foundations and churches usually are exempt from paying sales tax. These organizations must obtain a certificate from the Florida Department of Revenue to maintain this tax-free status. Organizations or individuals wishing to verify sales tax exemption can do so through Florida's Department of Revenue Certificate Verification System.

Pull up the link to the Florida Department of Revenue Certificate Verification System (see the Resources section for the link).

Obtain the 13-digit exemption certificate number from the nonprofit organization. Contact the organization to let them know you need the number to work with them.

Use the drop-down menu to select "Sales Tax" as the reason for the verification request.

Enter the name of the organization in the first box and the 13-digit certificate number in the second box.

Click "Verify." The next page will verify if the organization holds a Sales Tax Annual Resale Certificate, Consumer's Certificate of Exemption, or a Communication Services Tax Annual Resale Certificate. If the organization is exempt from paying sales tax it will hold a Consumer's Certificate of Exemption.


Contact the assistance line if you have any problems with the system. The assistance line is 877-FL-RESALE. It is open between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. (EST), Monday to Friday.