How Do I Turn Someone Over to a Credit Bureau?

How Do I Turn Someone Over to a Credit Bureau?
••• credit-card image by Igors Leonovs from

Reporting delinquent individuals to a credit bureau is one way landlords and businesses can collect on unpaid bills. Credit agencies give accredited businesses and landlords access to valuable information contained in credit profiles to assist potential lenders with assessing and managing risk. The mere threat of being reported to a credit bureau often scares debtors into paying their debts.

Collect and organize all documents that illustrate the debt, including signed leases or agreements, promissory notes, receipts and invoices.

Contact one or more of the major credit bureaus, which are Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. If you are not signed up for their business services, you will likely need to fill out a form on each website that describes your business and intended usage.

After successfully enrolling with each bureau, use the agency's online database to disclose the information about the person you're turning in, including her name, last known address and contact information and any debt or balance that she owes.


  • An alternative to reporting someone to a credit bureau is to file a small claims complaint in the debtor's jurisdiction. If a judgment is awarded, it is likely to be reported by the court directly to the credit bureaus.


  • Reporting debts does not ensure collection from the debtor. In most cases, debts will only remain on a credit profile for seven years from date of entry.