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What Is Silicone Spray?

Lynn Rademacher
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Silicone is a rubbery substance with superior sealing and lubricating properties. It can be used for a variety of applications and in a variety of forms depending on how the silicone is treated and what chemicals are added. Silicone can be molded into cookware, used as caulking or be pressurized into a spray.

Image of a car engine, where silicone spray can be used.

Each form of silicone meets specific needs. Silicone spray can be used in several different applications.


Silicone spray is an effective lubricant on most surfaces and is noncorrosive or nonreactive. When sprayed on hard surfaces, silicone spray is able to maintain its lubricating properties in a variety of temperature ranges and environments. Silicone will not oxidize.

Water Resistant

Silicone spray is resistant to water so it can be used to protect items from moisture. Boat owners use silicone spray on exposed boat metals to help inhibit the development of rust. If sprayed on material, silicone spray will soak into the material and help water bead up and roll off the material.

Rubber Treatment

Due to the moisturizing property of silicone spray, it can help prevent rubber from cracking. If applied to rubber gaskets or other rubber items that may become dried, the rubber will be sealed. A sealed rubber gasket won’t leak moisture and become dried out.


It is easy to apply the lubricating and waterproofing qualities of silicone spray to difficult spaces. Rusted locks can be treated by spraying into the keyhole of the lock. The rollers of bay doors can be lubricated with silicone spray instead of an oil or grease that could ooze out of the track.


The lubrication quality of silicone spray can make surfaces very slippery. Never apply silicone spray anywhere that people need to walk or to any surface suspended above the ground. Do not spray silicone onto painted areas as the paint will absorb the spray and make the paint resistant to power washing. Spraying silicone onto any item that must be handled will make grasping the object difficult and should be avoided.

The Drip Cap

  • Silicone is a rubbery substance with superior sealing and lubricating properties.
  • Silicone will not oxidize.
  • Silicone spray is resistant to water so it can be used to protect items from moisture.
  • If sprayed on material, silicone spray will soak into the material and help water bead up and roll off the material.