How to Install Beadboard Panel Over Tile

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Installing beadboard is a simple and economical way to improve the look of a room; it installs over most surfaces. With tile, you either must tear it out or cover it up. Placing beadboard over the tile requires first preparing the tile surface and applying the boards over the top. Beadboard is available from any home improvement store, along with all other materials necessary to cover the tile.

Step 1

Clean tile to ensure that all dirt and foreign surfaces are removed from the surface. Use a mild soap solution and a sponge for simple cleaning, or a strong degreaser and cleanser for dirty tile.


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Step 2

Roughen the surface of the tile with light-duty sandpaper. Work in small areas, and avoid making circular motions. Work either horizontally or vertically on the tile to get even surface scratching over the surface. Wipe the tile down with a damp sponge to remove sandpaper dust.

Step 3

Measure the beadboard pieces to properly fit them to the tile wall, using a tape measure. Cut each piece with a circular saw as you work instead of multiple boards at the same time. This will allow you to properly adjust the cut for the wall to go around fixtures, outlets, switches or other obstructions.


Step 4

Apply industrial strength liquid adhesive to the back of the beadboard with a caulking gun. Spread the adhesive into the shape of one continuous wavy line similar to the letter S across the entire surface. This will maximize the amount of tile contacted by the adhesive.

Step 5

Affix the beadboard panel over the tile wall, placing it against the wall so it rests on top of the baseboard molding and then straighten it so it lays flat on the wall. Press firmly against the panel all over the surface to help the adhesive make proper contact with the tile. Repeat this process with all further panels and allow the adhesive to dry for the amount of time listed on the product packaging.


Step 6

Apply silicone caulk to all seams between boards and at the joins where the boards and the baseboard trim meet. This will help prevent moisture from becoming trapped between the boards and the tile and warping or otherwise damaging the beadboard.



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