Traditional recruitment and selection is a term that is often used to define the process when people apply for jobs using traditional paper applications and resumes, compared to people who apply online and companies that use modern interviewing and hiring techniques, such as social media. While the world is advancing technologically, some managers still value the face-to-face interaction of the traditional recruitment methods for getting a feel for how an applicant will perform in a job.

Classified Advertising

Classified advertising is a classic method for employers to recruit for open positions within their companies. It is an easy way to get the word out that the employer is hiring. Classified advertising can be limited in its effectiveness. Many of the most qualified applicants for the job will not look at the classifieds, because they are happy in their current positions and not looking for a job. Even with its problems, classified advertising can reduce allegations of employment discrimination by inviting a diverse pool of applicants.


A good manager develops networks of people over time and uses these relationships to help him find a good worker. A business associate might know someone within his network who knows another person who while not looking for a job may entertain an offer that is more appealing. Current employees are also a source of good leads; they do not want to work with a substandard employee in most cases. Customers may also be a resource for staffing needs.


A hiring manager should schedule interviews with people he wants to know more about. Traditionally, these interviews take place in the manager's office at the place of employment, with job applicants coming in dressed to impress the interviewer. The manager typically prepares questions for the interview to give him a better understanding of the candidate. Good managers also are interested in the questions that the applicant asks as well. Generally, the interview is completed with a handshake, and, if the manager is interested, a commitment to a second interview or even a job offer.


Traditional selection techniques depend heavily on the impression that the applicant makes on the interviewer. Some managers bring in a second person to conduct an interview to get another opinion. The manager may also request that the applicant complete aptitude testing or other skill testing to verify that the candidate can fulfill the requirements of the job. In some cases, a preemployment physical is necessary to prove that the applicant is healthy.