How to Clean Stainless Steel That Is Discolored From Heat

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Discolored stainless steel is simple to clean.

Stainless steel has an advantage over other forms of metal in that it resists rusting. Stainless steel is used in any area where metal must come into contact with other materials on a regular basis. Cooking utensils made from stainless steel are also popular because they are low-maintenance. However, stainless steel can become streaked with unsightly heat stains. There is no reason to live with the stains. With a few simple household products, it is easy to clean stainless steel that is discolored from heat.


Step 1

Wash the stainless steel using a soft cloth dipped in hot water into which a few drops of dishwashing soap have been dissolved. Do not use abrasive cleaners on the stainless steel, or else the stainless coating will come off of the metal and it will eventually rust.

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Step 2

Dry the stainless steel object with a towel.


Step 3

Dip a soft cloth in vinegar and rub over the surface of the stainless steel. The heat streaks should start to rub off of the metal and transfer onto the cloth. Continue to rub the surface of the steel vigorously until no more streaks come off of the surface. If stains remain, move on to Step 4. If they are gone, proceed to Step 5.

Step 4

Pour a small amount of club soda over a clean, soft cloth. Rub the cloth vigorously over the surface of the metal until all traces of heat damage are removed. The metal should shine and look mirror-like once more.


Step 5

Pour a small amount of olive oil onto another dry, soft cloth. Rub the oil into the surface of the stainless steel to provide additional protection from heat damage and to remove any streaks caused by issues other than heat damage.

Step 6

Remove any excess oil with a dry cloth before storing the stainless steel.

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