How to Write a Bibliography for a Website

The web is a vast resource for information. When performing research for a written piece, it is not uncommon for individuals to solely rely on the web instead of printed sources. To give proper credit to sources used, information gathered from a website must be cited in the bibliography.

Write the author's last name, a comma, then the first initial followed by a period and a comma. Example: Milliman, J.,

The first line is flush with the left margin.

Add the year of publication, a comma, and the month of publication, all enclosed in parentheses followed by a period. Example: (2010, May).

Example of steps 1 and 2 together: Milliman, J., (2010, May).

Add the title, capitalizing only the first letter of the first word, followed by a period. Example: How to demonstrate the proper use of the apostrophe.

Example of all three steps together: Milliman, J., (2010, May). How to demonstrate the proper use of the apostrophe.

Add the words "Retrieved from," then the full URL (web address). Example: Retrieved from

Example of all four steps together: Milliman, J., (2010, May). How to demonstrate the proper use of the apostrophe. Retrieved from

Indent the second line of the citation one-half inch, or five spaces. This is often called a hanging indent.


Some websites may not have certain elements available, for example, a publication date or author. When citing a source without a publication date, use "n.d." for "no date." When citing a source without an author, the title moves to the first position of that citation.

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