How to Write a Consulting Report

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Consultants play an important role in the business world. From small nonprofit organizations to large international corporations, companies rely on the expertise of consultants to make critical business decisions. Consultants are hired on a contract basis. A consultant’s final product depends on the nature of the consultation. Many consultants produce reports for their clients. The reports offer expert insight into the chosen topic. Use preparation, excellent writing ability and attention to detail to create a thorough consulting report.

Create a title page. Type your name, the name of your company, the name of the report and the name of the client. Include the date the report was delivered to the client.

Include an introduction. Write an introduction that explains the purpose of the report. Outline the basic issues addressed in the report. Include methods and approaches used to analyze the given topic.

Provide analysis of the issues. Give each issue a descriptive heading. For example, “Sodium Content in Lunch Entrees” is possible heading in a consulting report about school lunches. Under each heading detail the particular issue. Offer in-depth analysis of the issue. Include alternatives, possible solutions and recommendations for each issue. Use researched data and statistics.

Create a list of recommendations. Gather all of the recommendations from the analysis sections into one section. List each recommendation in a concise, easy-to-understand manner. For example, “Partner with local vegetarian restaurants to serve vegetarian breakfast and lunch meals in the school once a month” is a possible recommendation for a consulting report.

Write a conclusion. Provide a concise summary of the issues and findings explored in the report.

Write an executive summary. An executive summary is a concise description of what the report contains. Copy important sections from the body of the report and paste them into the executive summary. Include the major findings, analysis and conclusions. According to Custom Papers, a good executive summary allows the reader to understand the basic content of the report without reading the report.

Place the executive summary before the introduction.

Create a table of contents. List each section of the report followed by the page number where that section is found.

Place the table of contents before the executive summary.


Include appendices for references, photographs and bibliographies when appropriate. According to Akri Consulting, the appendix is for detailed support information.

Use a header or footer watermark with your name and contact information on each page.

Include a thank-you note to the client along with the completed report.

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