How to Calculate Your GPA on a 4.0 Scale

Determining your GPA requires only a few quick calculations.
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Your GPA is your grade-point average and is typically based on a 4.0 grading scale. It is the average of all of your grades, and it's determined by the number of credits and the grade you received in each course. Your GPA is important for various reasons. You will often be asked to provide your GPA when applying for jobs, internships and graduate school.

    Gather your final grades for all of your classes.

    Write down the class name, your grade and the number of credits each class is worth.

    Assign the correct points to each grade. For example, if you received an A in a class, it equals 4 points. B equals 3 points, C equals 2 points, D equals 1 and F equals 0.

    For each class, multiply the number of points for the grade by the number of credit hours that the class was worth. This will give you the grade points earned for each class.

    Add the total grade points earned in all of the classes together, and divide by the total number of credit hours to get your GPA.

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