For an ad to be considered camera-ready, it needs to be exactly as you want it to look: the same size, graphics and font. If you are sending it to a printer electronically that means it has to be saved in a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) format, such as a Portable Document Format (PDF). Another word-processing format could get changed when sent depending on the receiver’s version of the software. You may have laid-out a perfect document using a font you like, but the printer may not have thattype, and it could completely change the layout.

Decide what program you are going to design the ad in. The program needs to be able to convert to the PDF format..

Design your project and save it.

Proof it carefully.

Choose "save as" from the file menu and use the option to save it as a PDF.

Proof the PDF. Occasionally certain aspects of a design do not translate.

Redo if necessary.

Save as PDF again and proof again.

Email finished PDF file to your printer.


You can also print and take to the printer.