blue Flowerpot with flower in wedding ceremony

Colored water can be used to make attractive centerpieces for parties or weddings, and it even looks nice catching sunlight on a kitchen windowsill. Water can be safely dyed with common commercial food dyes to create stunning results.

Prepare a "test vessel" by filling a clear glass with water. Keeping the primary color chart in mind, experiment with placing different numbers of drops of different dye colors into the water. Standard recipes, like red + blue = purple apply, but try to vary the ratio of drops to create lighter or deeper colors.

You may want to use multiple glasses to organize and compare color results. Note down your drop ratios to keep track of the formulas.

Review the colored water samples you made, and select the ones you want to use. If additional colored water is needed to fill your planned centerpiece vessels, make more, following the recipes you just discovered.

Organize the vessels you plan to use for your centerpiece. Cylindrical vessels in a variety of heights provide nice results, but any clear containers will do.

Carefully pour the colored water into your vessels and arrange as desired.


  • Instead of commercially-processed dyes, fruits, vegetables and herbs can create colored water. Try boiling water with beets, saffron or basil for all-natural results.

  • If you plan to add candles or flowers to your colored water centerpieces, keep the water level adjustments in mind when you fil the vessels.