How to Convert a Web Address to Numbers

By Jamie Wilson

Convert a Web Address to Numbers
i Network connection image by Fantasista from

Everything connected to the Internet, from Web servers to laptops and cell phones, has an Internet Protocol (IP) address that allows it to be found and identified in the vastness of cyberspace. Fortunately, domain names act as easily remembered aliases so no one has to try to memorize these cryptic strings of numbers. Whenever you navigate the Internet, your computer queries Domain Name Servers (DNS) to match domain names to IP addresses and get you where you need to go. Finding the IP addresses behind domain names is a simple process thanks to a handy tool called "ping" found in all operating systems.

Ping a Web Server

Open up the terminal or command line program for Windows Vista/7 by clicking the "Start" button, Type "cmd" in the search field and then click "cmd" when it appears in the list of matching applications.

Determine the Web server from the full Web address (URL). The Web server is the first part of the URL, the part that comes in front of the first backslash (/). For instance, if the Web address is, then the Web server would be

From the terminal, type: ping . The IP address will show up in the results as a series of 4 numbers separated by periods, like
