Remedies for Shaving Bumps on Inner Thighs

Although shaving the inner thigh area is a lot less uncomfortable than waxing, you can certainly get a load of razor bumps afterward. Often, this area gets razor bumps due to the coarseness of the hair "down there"; these bumps can become permanent and painful, leading to irritation. Inner thigh razor bumps, however, can be treated with a variety of substances that ease the irritation and help the bumps go away.

Razor Bump Ointments and Creams

There are several name-brand razor bump remedies on the market. Popular names include Tend Skin and Bikini Bare, with some chains selling a store brand variety. These treatments contain small amounts of numbing drugs like lidocaine to soothe the irritation and take the bumps away. Costing anywhere from $5 to $20, a tube or bottle will usually last through several months of shaving.

Baking Soda and Water

A simple paste of baking soda and water is good for soothing razor irritation. Simply pour about 1/4 cup of baking soda in a cup and mix in enough water to make a paste. Spread this paste on the bumpy area and let it sit for a few moments. Once you rinse off, the bumps will have lessened. This is a great remedy that costs little and uses ingredients that most people already have in their homes.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is not only a tonic for the skin, but an antiseptic that alleviates razor burn irritation. Wet a cotton swab or pad with a liberal amount and wipe it over the affected area for quick relief. Use right after shaving to prevent bumps before they start.

Aloe Vera

Long lauded for its anti-septic and cooling qualities, aloe vera is great for skin eruptions like razor bumps. Simply daub on some aloe vera gel twice a day for three days. Use the pure aloe vera that's available in a bottle, or get a plant stalk from the supermarket or plant nursery for best results.