How to Change Grades on My College Transcripts

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Successfully changing a grade on your college transcript is not an easy task, nor should it be taken lightly. Of course, mistakes are sometimes made on these important documents, possibly endangering your chances of being accepted to the graduate school or other higher-education program of your choice. It’s in your best interest to address these issues before they become a hindrance to the progression of your career, and setting the record straight will prevent the possibility of heartbreak later on.

Examine your transcript to see which, if any, of the grades are questionable. Sometimes it’s easy to spot, such as a D in a class where you know you had completed all tests and papers with at least a B. Others are more subtle, such as a grade-point average that’s one or two points off.

Gather the necessary data to support your claim. If you suspect you might have a lower grade than you deserve in one or more of your classes, try to find as many tests and graded papers from that class that are still available to you. If possible, contact your professor from that class and ask if they have any material to help back up your statement. In many cases the professor is the person you need to speak with directly to have your grade changed, since the transcript office needs a voice of authority to assert that your grade was written incorrectly. If the professor is unable (or unwilling) to speak with you regarding this matter, move to the next step up the ladder and speak to the department head. If the professor in question is the department head, consider speaking to the dean of students or other similar faculty member.

Talk to your college’s registrar or transcript office about the necessary procedure for disputing something on your transcript. For most universities, there’s an official form to fill out, so you can list exactly what you’re contesting and the evidence you have to support your claim. Obtain a copy of the form before handing it in for consideration.

Umiko Sasaki has been writing for newspapers and trade magazines since 1999. Credits include, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Mayo Center for the Performing Arts, and several regional charities. She holds a Bachelor's degree from Drew University in playwriting and has owned a copywriting business in New Jersey since 2005.
