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How to Program Logitech Controller for the PS3

Kiyoshi Ota/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Sony has kept a similar design for its game controllers over the PlayStation's history. Slight adjustments have been made, but the overall look and feel of a PS3 controller is similar to that of the original PlayStation. Logitech makes another option that connects automatically through a USB receiver plugged into the PS3. It cannot be programmed using Bluetooth like normal Sony controllers. Programming it to your PS3 is simple, but may require a software update.

Remove the back cover from the controller, and insert two AA batteries.

Insert the mini USB receiver into the PS3 and turn on the system.

If it doesn’t connect, disconnect and then re-insert the mini USB receiver to the PS3.

Reset the receiver by pressing and holding the button located on the back of the mini USB.

If it is still not connecting, perform a system update to your PS3. You can find this under “Settings,” “System Update.”

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