How to Request Temporary 100 Percent Disability From the VA

How to Request Temporary 100 Percent Disability From the VA
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If a veteran's service-related disability worsens, the veteran is entitled to request a disability rating increase, according to the Department of Veteran's Affairs. Even though most cases are evaluated based on an increase of severity in the disability, the V.A. does consider cases for temporary 100 percent ratings. These cases must meet certain criteria such as a hospitalization of 21 days or more, or surgery resulting in a month or more of recuperation.

Write a letter or use VA Form 21-4138 (Statement of Support of Claim) to specifically request a 100 percent temporary increase in your disability rating. Detail the reasons for your claim.

Gather any new medical documents or records to support your new claim. Write your V.A. claim number or Social Security number on each document.

Mail your letter or Statement of Support of Claim form and supporting documents to your local V.A. Regional Office.


  • V.A. Form 21-4138 is available online (see Resources).