Carolyn Ross/Demand Media

Sugar snap peas are similar in taste and appearance to snow peas, although sugar snap peas have puffier pods and a slightly thicker skin. Sugar snap peas can be added to salads and stir-fry for a crunchy kick, or they can be served on their own as a side dish. Sugar snap peas contain a pesky string that should be removed before eating, although there are two schools of thought as to whether the string should be removed before or after cooking.

Carolyn Ross/Demand Media

Determine whether you would like to string your sugar snap peas before or after cooking. According to John Peterson, author of "Farmer John's Cookbook: The Real Dirt on Vegetables," keeping the string on keeps the flavor in while the sugar snap peas are cooking. The "Los Angeles Times," on the other hand, recommends stringing the peas before cooking them.

Carolyn Ross/Demand Media

Break off the stem of the pea pod. The stem is a rough area that extends slightly out from the top of the pod. You will hear a snapping sound as the stem breaks.

Carolyn Ross/Demand Media

Gently pull the stem downward, pulling the strings with it. Each sugar snap pea pod should have two strings, one on either side of the pod.

Carolyn Ross/Demand Media

Use a paring knife to remove any stubborn strings that will not pull off. Make a small incision to cut off the tip of the sugar snap pea pod and then pull the tip downward to remove any additional strings.


Mix sugar snap peas with teriyaki sauce and heat them in a frying pan for a quick side dish.


Use a paring knife with caution. Keep all knives out of the reach of children.