How to Find a Hunter's Safety Certificate Number

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To obtain a Hunter's safety certification number, you will need to know where the certification or class took place and with what agency. Most certifications from 1980-1993 were completed in class through the Department of Game and Fish or a division of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife services. All other certifications from various dates throughout the '90s to present are done online or through some other agency where the certification information can be found online.

  • First and last name of the person that completed the certification.
  • The date of birth will also be needed with certain participating agencies.

1 On-Line Services

2 Obtained your certification through an online agency

If you obtained your certification through an online agency, retrieving your certification number will be very simple. First you have to find the name of the agency that gave the class, and then follow through on the prompts. Most sites will only require you to provide them with your first and last name and then a date of birth. Some sites will require you to provide them with your social security number, but be cautious of the site's security measures before proceeding.

3 Once you have given your information

Once you have given your information, you will either be asked if you need a replacement card or certificate or in some cases a printable certificate will be accessible, giving you the certificate with your name and certification number.

4 Also request

You may also request to retake the test or a refresher course to update your certification. If you choose this option, then your certification number will change and a new card and certificate will be issued to you.

5 Obtaining the number through the agency

6 Have to obtain your certification number

If you have to obtain your certification number from an agency prior to the dates above, then you may have to wait a while for your request to be fulfilled. This process will be lengthy and requires nothing more than patience.

7 Make you

Make sure you have the first and last name correct with the date of birth.

8 Need to provide the agency

You may need to provide the agency with a social security number for extra security measures. Most requests will be fulfilled through the mail with a replacement card and certificate.

William Robinson has been writing for over 20 years and to date has published two books in his lifetime, "The Search for Excalibur" and "Don't Love Me." He holds two doctorate degrees in philosophy and a Bachelor of Science in criminal justice from Alameda University in California. He is also a veteran of the United States Marine Corps.
