How to Make Mold Cleaner With Sodium Carbonate

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Things You'll Need

  • Water

  • Sodium carbonate

  • Natural detergent

  • Lemon juice

  • Water

  • Sponge

Sodium carbonate, or washing soda, is a natural disinfectant. Use it to clean a variety of surfaces, from kitchen counters to toilet bowls. Although it should not be consumed in great amounts, washing soda is a common ingredient in many foods, serving as a neutralizer and thickener. Washing soda is a green alternative to toxic cleaners. When mold is a problem in your home, keep a simple sodium carbonate mixture on hand to remove mold and to wash down surfaces to prevent it.


Step 1

Mix a solution of 10 parts warm water and one part sodium carbonate

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Step 2

Add one part detergent, which will help the solution cut through grease and grime, and one part lemon juice, which will act as a bacteria killer.

Step 3

Wet your sponge in the solution and wipe down the moldy surface.

Step 4

Double the amount of sodium carbonate, detergent and lemon juice if the mold proves difficult to remove.


Keep your solution in a spray bottle.


Sodium carbonate is non-toxic when diluted in its cleaning mixture. However, it can cause undesired symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea or worse if ingested in its undiluted form.


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