Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin that often appears as a rash or ring on different areas of the body. Because of the often itchy and unsightly nature of ringworm and the weeks and sometimes multiple treatments is takes to clear up, it may sometimes seem that a ringworm infection will never go away. However, ringworm does eventually clear up when the prescribed course of treatment is properly followed.


Ringworm is caused by a fungus that settles on the surface of the skin and manifests itself in a rash. Both people and animals carry and transmit ringworm and it is passed through skin-to-skin contact. Ringworm can be transmitted anywhere by anyone infected, but is commonly found in schools and among athletes due to the amount of physical contact that occurs.


There are several forms of ringworm that vary in look depending on where on the body the infection occurs. The characteristic flat, ring-shaped rash can occur all over the body. The type of ringworm that appears on the scalp is dry and scaly and can create bald spots. A crusty form of ringworm accompanied by swelling appears on the areas of the face and neck that are covered by facial hair. The type of ringworm known as jock itch appears in the groin and upper thigh area and is usually reddish-brown in appearance.


While ringworm in the actual ring form can be easy to visually diagnose, it is wise to consult a physician for a firm diagnosis of ringworm in any of its forms. Because it manifests itself as a rash, this fungal infection can look quite similar to many other forms of dermatitis such as eczema and psoriasis. To prevent misdiagnosis and subsequent improper treatment, a skin scraping can be done for further testing.


Ringworm can be treated with over-the-counter ointments, prescription ointments and oral medication. Over-the-counter treatments should be used only in mild cases and a prescription should be sought if it does not clear up within two weeks. A prescription cream should not be discontinued before the end of the prescribed amount of time, even if the skin becomes clear. Oral medications are used for certain forms of ringworm and when ringworm that has been treated topically does not clear. Prescription treatments, both topical and oral, can take as long as four to eight weeks to clear a ringworm infection.


The high rate of reoccurrence with ringworm is what often leaves people in exasperation wondering “Does ringworm ever go away?” When ringworm is treated only until the visual signs disappear, the fungus can still be very much present on the surface of the skin, leading to recurrences of the unsightly and uncomfortable rash. Follow the prescribed course of treatment to its end to lessen the chances of your ringworm making a reappearance.


There is no sure-fire way to prevent getting ringworm due to the skin-to-skin nature of its spread. However, flare ups of ringworm in the groin area can be lessened by trying to keep the area from being too warm and moist. This may mean wearing boxers rather than briefs for men and wearing breathable fabrics and avoiding pantyhose for women.