Chopped dried damiana plant for tea

Damiana tea has been used for centuries in folk medicine to treat a variety of ailments, most notably mild cases of constipation, and also to boost libido. Damiana is a gentle herb that is most frequently administered in the form of a tea or infusion. The dried leaves used to make damiana tea can be purchased at natural health stores, or ordered online. This recipe yields approximately one cup of damiana tea.

Measure 1 or 2 heaping teaspoons of dried damiana leaves, and place them into a clean coffee mug or other heat proof drinking container.

Boil one cup of water in small saucepan or tea kettle on the stove top. Remove from heat and pour the boiling water into the mug, over the dried damiana leaves.

Allow the damiana tea to steep for 15-20 minutes. Strain the tea into a clean coffee mug, or into another heat proof drinking container. Discard the spent damiana leaves in the compost pile or garbage can.

Add a teaspoon of pure, raw honey to sweeten the damiana tea, if desired, but do not use granulated or refined sugar, as this can damage the beneficial properties of the tea.

Garnish the damiana tea with a lemon wedge for additional flavor, if desired, and drink immediately. Optionally, you can add 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice.


Add other pleasant tasting herbs such as mint or lemon balm to your damiana tea if you find the flavor too strong.


Do not take damiana tea if you are diabetic. It can cause the blood sugar to spike, resulting in dangerous side effects. Avoid damiana tea if you are pregnant. Although there is no proof that it can cause harm, the effects on the fetus are unknown, and it is always better to be safe than sorry.