How to Convert an HTML E-Book to a PDF (11 Steps)

By Quinten Plummer

Find out how you can convert your HTML e-book into PDF format.
i Dynamic Graphics Group/Dynamic Graphics Group/Getty Images

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) files are essentially a set of directions that tell web browsers how to display media as web pages. If you have an e-book in the HTML format, you might find that your web browser isn't the best method for reading the book. And mobile web browsers can make it even more difficult to navigate through your e-book. But with the help of some free conversion software, you can convert your HTML e-books into the more accessible Portable Document Format (PDF).

HTML to PDF Converter

Step 1

Download a free copy of HTML to PDF Converter to encode your HTML e-book into PDF format. Install the program and then launch it.

Step 2

Click on the program's "Convert URL" bubble, if the e-book is located online. Click on the "Convert HTML File" bubble, if the HTML file is located on your computer.

Step 3

Type or paste the e-book's web address into the "Convert URL" field, or click on the "Browse" button to locate your HTML file on your computer.

Step 4

Fill in the program's "Title," "Subject" and "Author" fields, to add tags to your PDF file -- this step is optional.

Step 5

Click on the "Convert" button to begin the conversion process.


Step 1

Convert your HTML e-books into PDF format using PDFonFly's free web-based utility (see References).

Step 2

Type or paste your e-book's web address into the utility's "Type URL" field. Type the captcha code into the utility's "Enter Code" field.

Step 3

Click on the utility's "Convert to PDF" button to begin the conversion process.


Step 1

Use PDFcrowd's online HTML to PDF utility to convert your HTML e-book files into PDFs. Navigate your web browser to the utility's website (see References).

Step 2

Click on the utility's "Convert HTML File" tab. Click on the "Browse" button under the tab, to locate your HTML e-book on your computer.

Step 3

Click on the utility's "Convert to PDF" button to convert your e-book and generate a download link to it.
