How to Dye Clothes From Camouflage to Solid

Camouflage clothes are cool, but only to a certain degree. Many people outside of the service enjoy the coloring, but others out there prefer something less busy and simple. The style and stability of those popular pants and shirts can’t be beat. That is why our armed forces wear these. If you want the coolness and style but you don’t fancy the green on green camouflage print there is something you can do.

Lay down the newspaper or drop cloth in your work space.

Fill your washing machine according to package instructions based on the amount of camouflage clothing you want to change.

Let the RIT dye color remover dissolve in the washing machine water.

Put in your camouflage clothing and let it soak according to package instructions.

Turn the washing machine back on to go through the entire cycle after soak time.

Dry the clothes.

Repeat the process if needed to ensure all of the coloring has been removed.

Fill the washing machine again, according to the package instructions and the amount of clothing you are changing.

Let the RIT dye color dissolve in the washing machine water.

Put your now color free clothing in the washing machine water and let soak according to package instructions.

Again, turn the washing machine back on to go through the entire cycle after soak time.

Dry the clothes.

Clean up any dye that might have splattered so that it does not stain.