How to Donate Plasma for Money in Utah

Our bodies are more valuable than we might think. Very effectively do the advances in adult stem cell research and tissue grafting help us to realize the restorative power of human micro-organisms. Nowhere is this more exemplified than in human plasma.

Plasma is that liquid part of blood that comprises most of its substance, ​55 percent​ more or less. Serving primarily as a conduit, plasma brings water, enzymes and salts to those parts of the anatomy in need. It also carries proteins, hormones and other nutrients to wherever they are lacking. Useful in numerous therapies, plasma has definite financial value.

Why Is Plasma Worth Money?

There are a myriad of acute health complications that respond positively to plasma. Containing certain growth factors that facilitate healing, plasma is often applied to athletes and others who suffer from serious injuries, traumas and burns. As a vehicle for clotting agents and antibodies, plasma is an effective treatment for auto-immune illnesses and hemophilia. In addition, recent research suggests that the plasma of recovered COVID-19 patients carries immunizing antibodies through the bloodstream.

Given its widespread applications and demonstrated record of effectiveness, it is little surprise that the demand for plasma would warrant cash payment.

Read More:Managing Your Money

Is Donating Plasma Like Giving Blood?

In one sense, making a plasma contribution does look very much like giving blood in that blood is drawn through a needle inserted into the arm. From there, the differences begin.

With a plasma bestowal, the blood continues from the arm into an instrument designed to separate the plasma from other blood components, red blood cells, white blood cells and, sometimes platelets. This operation goes by the name plasmapheresis and ends with the remaining blood segments returning to the body with the help of a saline solution. Consequently, the process to donate plasma in Utah for money is lengthier than a simple conveyance of whole blood.

Is Plasma Donation Open to Anybody?

There are a few parameters to which most donation centers adhere. These are put in place to protect both those giving up their plasma and all the potential recipients. Thus, the first step toward donation is a comprehensive health screening.

Prospective donors should weigh no less than ​110​ pounds, be ​18 years​ old, test negative for HIV, COVID-19 and other contagious diseases and show no evidence of malnutrition or dehydration. Centers should be fully informed about recent surgical procedures, piercings and tattoos. They should also be aware of current meditations.

How Often Can You Donate?

One advantage held by plasma donation over giving whole blood is the frequency can be greater. Since blood is utilized to save lives, expedite healing and preserve health, its proper handling is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA has set the following standards relative to blood donation:

  • Whole blood – approximately every ​two​ months, specifically every ​eight​ weeks
  • Double red blood cells – every ​16​ weeks or ​four​ months
  • Platelets – once a week or ​24​ times per year, whichever is less

  • Plasma – every ​14​ days

Since plasma re-generates itself faster than whole blood, it can be donated more often.

Does Plasma Donation in Utah Pay Well?

Plasma donation centers are located throughout the Salt Lake City region and Utah in general. Payment varies by weight and by blood type. AB is in the highest demand since this blood type represents universal plasma donors, the converse of whole blood donation, where AB represents universal receivers. Average donations pay about ​$65​.