How to Unlock Akuma in Super Street Fighter II for SNES

By Alexander Poirier

Updated September 22, 2017

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In the "Street Fighter 2" series of games, Akuma is a hidden character that can be unlocked by inputting a certain button combination on the character select screen. Akuma is the boss of the game and a character that many feel to be broken and unfair in competitive play; thus, the method of unlocking him is a complicated one.

Navigate to the character select screen and move the cursor so that it highlights "Ryu." Leave the cursor on Ryu for two to three seconds.

Move the cursor to highlight "T. Hawk." Leave the cursor on T. Hawk for two to three seconds.

Move the cursor to highlight "Guile." Leave the cursor on Guile for two to three seconds.

Move the cursor to highlight "Cammy." Leave the cursor on Cammy for two to three seconds.

Move the cursor back to highlight "Ryu." Leave the cursor on Ryu for two to three seconds.

Press the "Start" button and all three "Punch" buttons simultaneously to select "Akuma."
