Different Ways to Say Please & Thank You

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Although most people learn to say please and thank you at an early age, sometimes those words just aren't enough. Whether you have heard them so often that you have become desensitized to their meaning or you are simply looking to expand your vocabulary, you may have found yourself searching for a clever and unique way to express gratitude. Fortunately, there are several alternatives available.

Other Languages

When you say something in another language, the person you are speaking with has to stop and consider the words you have said and figure out what they mean. This causes them to focus on the actual words "please" and "thank you," and can make them more powerful. In Spanish, please is "por favor," and thank you is "gracias." In French, please is "s'il vous plaît" and thank you is "merci." And if you want to try a more exotic flair, in Russian, please is pronounced "puhzhalsta" and thank you is pronounced "spaceeba."

A Formal Approach

If you'd rather stick with the English language but want a more formal way to express yourself, instead of please you could try saying, "I beg your pardon" or "If it would not be too cumbersome." To thank someone, the words "much obliged" or "I greatly appreciate it" will convey what you are feeling.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

A lot of times, a simple smile and hug can go further than any words ever can. This type of interaction is best used in personal settings; hugs, in particular, should not be attempted at a formal business gathering.


Another creative and effective way of saying thank you is through the giving of gifts. Whether a bouquet of flowers, candy or a gift certificate, a present expresses gratitude and gives the recipient a reward for her actions. A gift not only says thank you, but also gives the person something in return.