How to Remove Ramdisk

By Tyran DeWalt

Remove Ramdisk manually
i Hemera Technologies/ Images

The Ramdisk application contains a property sheet provider, a RAM disk driver and an installation file. This tool allows you to control your RAM disk device properties. From time to time, this tool can prevent your system from booting up in normal mode. This could be the result of issues such as damaged files or a corrupt registry. Windows contains the native removal tools you need to completely get rid of this tool. Removing Ramdisk only requires a few, short procedures.

Click the Windows logo in the lower left corner of the screen.

Type "Device Manager" in the search box and press "Enter" to open the Device Manager.

Expand "RAM Disk." Select "Ramdisk [DATOptic ]" and click the right mouse button.

Click "Uninstall." Exit Device Manager. Reboot your computer.
