How to Box Frame Roof Eaves

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Things You'll Need

  • F-channels

  • J-channels

  • Soffit material

  • 8-penny nails

  • Fascia cap

  • 3/4 inch wood screws

Box Frame Roof Eaves

Wind can blow fire embers inside an attic vent, so sometimes homeowners in high-wind, dry areas choose to box in their roof eaves. Home eaves are considered heat traps so closing the space with fascia board and soffit panels helps to prevent a fire from igniting inside a home. Some counties mandate that eaves be boxed as a preventive measure against house fires. If you live in a fire zone, you can protect your home from possible flame damage by boxing the roof eaves yourself.


Step 1

Secure an F-channel with 3/4 inch wood screws against the wall, all the way around the house under the eaves. This is a fastener shaped like the letter F that the soffit material slips into.

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Step 2

Make sure the inside of your fascias attached to the rafter tails have grooves on the inside where the soffit material will rest. Alternately, you can attach J-channels with 3/4 inch wood screws, which provide a slot to insert the soffit material in.


Step 3

Purchase soffit material according to your roof eave footage (see Resources below). Either purchase soffit panels or soffit lining made from vinyl.

Step 4

Attach the soffit material to the F-channel using 8-penny nails. Slide the soffit material into the fascia grooves or J-Channel.

Step 5

Apply a fascia cap to the fascia board. The cap supports the soffit and stiffens the J-channel.


Boxed in roof eaves prevent birds from nesting. Install 5/8 inch drywall or stucco over the entire area under the eaves if you live in a high-wind area and need extra protection.


Because roof eaves are high up and require using a ladder, be careful.


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