How to Factor Monomials

Factoring simplifies algebraic expression.
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In algebraic expression, a monomial is considered one numeric term. Two monomials can make a polynomial or binomial. Factoring a monomial is rather simple, and you should learn them before trying to factor out more terms. When taking a course in algebra, you will be asked to factor out a monomial before factoring any other term.

    Determine how to factor a number. Factor out a number that is given, such as 24. To factor 24, find two multiples or numbers that, when multiplied, equal 24.

    Use numbers 6 and 4. By multiplying these two numbers, you will get 24. Then factor out the 6 by finding two multiples that equal 6. Use 2 and 3. Then find multiples of 4 with 2 and 2. In the end, you will have factored 24 with multiples of 6 (2, 3) and 4 (2, 2).

    Find the common factor. In this example, the common factor between both sets of multiples (6 and 4) is 2. Given the example of 24, the monomials are 2, 2, 2, and 3. This can also be listed as 2_2_2_3 or as 3_2^3. The symbol “^”means "to the power of."

    Factor an expression using letters. If you have a number followed by x^2, then the x should be factored out twice and look like x*x.

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