An adding calculator seems to be a fairly simple machine. Its numbers and symbols are well known among most students who have entered the lower grades. However, the symbols don’t always mean or do as they are intended. In fact, they can be easily manipulated to come up with totals faster than the user may realize. Get to know your adding calculator, and you will be surprised at all that it can accomplish with the push of a few simple buttons.

Small Calculator with Tape Basics

Most adding machines have tidy little rolls of paper that produce a receipt of all the hard work that was entered into the machine. The more advanced ones will give a tally of all the numbers you entered as well. A 10-key adding machine tutorial can be found online for those who want to make their work on the machine more efficient. Follow the printing calculator instructions if you have any questions or get stuck on a function. The adding machines with a bevy of buttons need a bit more understanding than their 10-key counterparts and are a lot more convenient to use for business purposes.

Symbols of the Printing Calculator

There are a lot of symbols and buttons on the tiny keypad of a printing calculator. While this is no longer taught in school as part of other courses, many companies continue to use these convenient machines around the world. The M+ button is used to save the value that is currently on the display to the printing calculator’s memory. Once this is done, an M will come up on the narrow screen. To subtract that value from the memory, press M-. The M with a diamond shape will print the value that is stored in the memory. The M* key will print that same value and then erase it from the calculator’s limited memory. The CE key clears the screen but not any operations that the user has put in previously. The C key clears all operations that have been in progress and wipes the unsaved memory clean.

All Those Arrows

A small calculator with tape is handy for having a record of your hard work. The arrow keys allow you to be clear in your number productions both on the display and in paper. The tiny arrows on the key pad can be confusing. The up arrow key on the printing machine advances the paper without adding numbers. This allows for the user to add notes or get a better grip on what was previously printed. The right arrow key is one of the more well-used keys. It backspaces to erase the last digit entered.

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