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How to Make Money Selling Tattoo Designs Online

Some websites seek submissions from tattoo artists.
Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images

Whether you're an accomplished tattooist or trying to break into the business, picking up extra money by selling your tattoo designs online is possible. In addition to the well-known sales outlets such as eBay, some websites that specialize in tattoo sales welcome artist submissions.

Sign up to sell tattoo designs at TattooKing,net. This site offers 50 percent of the sale price to the artist. Sellers have a personal control panel from which they can track sales statistics, upload designs and request payments through PayPal.

Register at EveryTattoo.com to sell your designs. After successfully registering, you will have the ability to upload artwork through your profile page. EveryTattoo.com pays 60 percent of the sale price to the artist through PayPal.

Submit samples of your work to TattooNOW. In-house tattoo artists will judge your designs and, if chosen, you will become eligible to submit your work to the site and receive a portion of ad banner revenue.

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