How to Evaluate a Lesson Plan for Preschoolers

Observing the children during the lesson helps you evaluate the plan.
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Evaluations of preschool lesson plans help you assess the effectiveness of the learning activities. An evaluation before you actually teach the lesson enables you to check the components to ensure the lesson is well-rounded and appealing to the preschool students. Assessing lesson plans after you teach them gives you a chance to reflect on what went well and what you can change the next time you use the lesson plan. Input from other preschool teachers enriches the evaluation.

Write a general outline for your preschool lesson plans to serve as a template so you include all components, including an introductory activity, teaching and independent activities for the kids. Create a rubric for evaluating lessons that includes specific points you want in your lessons. This might include hands-on activities, objectives and an informal assessment. For example, an assessment for a counting lesson might be a counting game you play at the end to make sure the kids understand the math concept.

Read over the lesson plan before you teach the activity. Review the objectives or goals for the lesson compared to the actual activity to ensure the two match. Look for any gaps or missed steps in the lesson plan. Evaluate the lesson plan using the general rubric you created.

Ask another preschool teacher to read over your lesson plan before you teach it. A new perspective on the lesson plan may help you identify gaps in the plan.

Observe the preschool students while you teach the lesson plan. Watch the kids to see if they enjoy the lesson, stay engaged in the activity and understand the concept by the end of the activity.

Write notes on the lesson plan after you teach it to make changes for the future. Make a note of the parts of the activity that caused confusion or made the students lose interest. Rewrite sections of the lesson plan as needed to make it more effective.

Based in the Midwest, Shelley Frost has been writing parenting and education articles since 2007. Her experience comes from teaching, tutoring and managing educational after school programs. Frost worked in insurance and software testing before becoming a writer. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in elementary education with a reading endorsement.
