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Are Soft Toilet Seats Unsanitary?

Melissa Rogers

Soft toilet seats allow for added comfort over standard hard toilet seats.Understanding the features of these seats, and how to use them appropriately, allows for the soft toilet seats to be as sanitary as the other seat types.

Soft toilet seats provide extra comfort from traditional hard toilet seats.


Soft toilet seats are made of padding covered in vinyl and are not absorbent on their own. The padding extends from the seat to the covering, providing an overall soft unit.

How Soft Toilet Seats Can Become Unsanitary

After a fair amount of usage, the vinyl protective covering can crack, allowing the padding to soak up liquids. If not replaced when the covering starts to crack, toilet water, urine or any other liquid can become trapped in the padding.

Other Warnings

As with all toilet seats, soft toilet seats need to be cleaned regularly. Wet a cloth with a household cleaning spray and wipe down the seat thoroughly yet gently to prevent excessive wear and tear.