How to Change the Time on the Nook eReader

By Kefa Olang

You can adjust the Sprint Hero’s clock at any time.
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On multiple Nook eReaders, including Nook Color or Nook Simple Touch, you can change the time by simply changing the current time zone. You can also choose between a 12-hour clock and a 24-hour clock depending on your preference. When you change your Nook eReader's time zone, the tablet relies on the network connection to automatically adjust to the correct time. You don't need to do anything else.

Step 1

Tap the "Quick Nav" button on your Nook to open the Quick Nav Bar and then tap "Settings" to view your Nook eReader's Settings.

Step 2

Scroll down the Settings screen and touch "Time" to display the Time Settings.

Step 3

Touch the "Use 24-hour format" option if you want to use a 24-hour clock. Touch "Select time zone" and select your current time zone to change the time. When you select your current time zone, your Nook eReader automatically sets the current time. For example, if you select the "Eastern" time zone, the Nook changes the time to an Eastern time, such as in New York and Connecticut.
