How to Convert EXE to Code

By Kevin Walker

Convert EXE to Code
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A software program is typically written in a high-level programming language such as C or Visual Basic. This native code is then compiled into machine code that can be run on a computer. The compiled code results in an EXE file; the resulting file is said to be executable, meaning it can be executed on a computer. Reversing the process and converting an EXE file back to source code in its native language is a process known as "decompiling." Decompilers can be a powerful tool for developers needing to modify applications whose original source code has long been lost.

Open RecStudio Decompiler, which can be downloaded for free from the link cited in the Resources section below.

Click "File" and "New Project." Use the file dialog to select an EXE file on your system that you would like to decompile and click "OK." The decompiler will proceed and may take from a few seconds to a few minutes to complete, depending on the complexity of the EXE file and the speed of your computer.

Click the button that looks like an arrow pointing to a "C" to view the code as C source code.
