How to Change the Race in a Saved Game in "Neverwinter Nights 2"

By Seth Amery

Updated September 22, 2017

Once you've made a character in "Neverwinter Nights 2," there's no standard way in-game to change lifelong traits. However, you can use a saved game editor to make your character born of another race. Whether you'd like to be a poetic Elf or a guarded Dwarf, consider choosing a race that fits with your class; for example, Gnomes make better bards, but Deep Gnomes favor the rogue class.

Changing Character Race

The only way to change your character's race after creating him is to use a game save character editor. One example is NWN2 Character Editor, available on Neverwinter Vault. There's also NWN2 Editor from Nexus Mods. These editors use Java and allow you to modify various aspects of your character and game save file. Sorcerer's Place lists several character editors and other utilities for the game as well (see Resources).
