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How to Remove Concrete From a Dog's Paws

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Cloth or paper towel

  • Water

  • pH neutral soap

  • Calendula or vitamin E cream

Dogs tend to pick up various hazardous materials from the ground, and concrete is one of these. Concrete comprises cement, which contains limestone and clay, mixed with sand, water and gravel. As the mixture hardens, it becomes concrete. Once concrete is hard it is harmless, although it may still give off a light dusting of cement powder that can cause skin irritation. If your dog collects wet cement on its paws, however, you will need to remove it immediately to avoid it burning the skin of the pads.

Prevent the dog from trying to lick its paws to remove the cement. Cement is toxic and ingestion of it in either wet or dry form can make the dog seriously ill.

Remove as much of the cement as possible from the dog’s paws. Do this by wiping the paws gently using a wet cloth or paper towel.

Soak the dog’s paws in cool water for at least 15 minutes. This helps to neutralize the caustic qualities of the lime in the cement.

Wash the dog’s paws gently with a pH-neutral soap. Separate the toes and make sure you wash all parts of the skin between them.

Rinse with copious quantities of cool, fresh water until no traces remain of the cement. Dry the dog’s paws with a towel, and soothe and moisturize them with calendula or vitamin E cream, or an ointment formulated for dogs’ paw pads.

Keep a close eye on the dog for the next 24 hours. If you see any blisters developing, or a rash that resembles a type of dermatitis, take the dog to the veterinarian immediately for treatment. If you suspect that the dog has ingested any, contact the ASPCA’s animal poison center.