An adjective supplies information about the noun it modifies. In English, it is fairly common to turn a noun into an adjective, such as turning "legal" into "legalized." Typically, adjectives in the Spanish language appear after the noun they modify. Furthermore, the Spanish language distinguishes adjectives as male or female, making conversions slightly more complicated. While the practice is not as common in Spanish as in English, it is still possible to turn some verbs into adjectives.


Drop the initial verb ending (-ar, -er or -ir), leaving the verb with just the stem. For example, "correr" ("to run") will become "corr."

Attach the appropriate suffix to the end of the verb. Verbs that initially end in -ar will only attach to an ending that starts with the letter "a." -Er and -ir verbs typically follow the same pattern. These endings are essentially the same as adding -ing to an English phrase. Many -ir verbs will change the root stem; for example, "dorm" (of "dormir") will become "durm." Irregular verbs require specialized changes unique to the verb.

The endings are as follows:

-ante -ente -iente

Place the newly transfigured verb behind the noun. For example, "running water" is expressed as "el agua corriente."


Make sure the verb is not irregular. Irregular verbs follow their own rules that often change the verb stem.

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