How to Convert From Metric to Feet and Inches

You can easily convert metric measurements into the English system.
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The metric system features quite a few small units of measurement for length; the millimeter, centimeter, decimeter and meter all measure distances for which the English system would use feet and inches. Fortunately, you only need to worry about a few numbers when converting from the metric system to feet or inches. The metric system works in multiples of 10, so the only difference between a millimeter and a centimeter is that the decimal point moves one place.


    Multiply meters by 3.281 to determine the number of feet. For example, multiply 6 meters by 3.281 to find that there are 19.69 feet in 6 meters.

    Multiply decimeters by 0.3281 to determine the number of feet. For example, multiply 6 decimeters by 0.3281 to find that there are 1.969 feet in 6 decimeters.

    Multiply centimeters by 0.03281 to determine the number of feet. For example, multiply 6 centimeters by 0.03281 to find that there are 0.1969 feet in 6 meters.


    Multiply decimeters by 3.937 to determine the number of inches. For example, multiply 8 decimeters by 3.937 to find that there are 31.5 inches in 8 decimeters.

    Multiply centimeters by 0.3937 to determine the number of inches. For example, multiply 8 centimeters by 0.3937 to find that there are 3.15 inches in 8 decimeters.

    Multiply millimeters by 0.03937 to determine the number of inches. For example, you could multiply 8 millimeters by 0.03937 to find that there are 0.315 inches in 8 millimeters.

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